Please support our Spacehive Campaign to fund new railings!

Wendell Park Gardening Friends has launched a Spacehive crowdfunding campaign to pay for the installation of low metal railings to protect the herbaceous borders and flower beds alongside Wendell Road

Wendell Park Gardening Friends was established with your generous support viand the help of a Spacehive fund-raising appeal three years ago. Since then its volunteers transformed the herbaceous border alongside Wendell Road, removing overgrown snowberry bushes and planting hundreds of shrubs, flowering plants and over 1,000 spring bulbs.

This year the lockdown brought many more pepole to the park, but with playgrounds closed there was nowhere to play. Sadly, many of our new plants, shrubs and flowers were damaged or destroyed as children and dogs ran freely through the flower beds.

We are now looking to install low metal railings to protect to the borders, allowing new plants to establish so that we can continue too make the park more beautiful. These railings will also prevent dogs and footballs from damaging the habitats that have been created for insects and invertebrates. What we’ll deliver:

  • Install 50m of low bow-topped railings
  • Improve the soil with 2 tonnes of rotted horse manure
  • Remove and replace plants and shrubs lost to damage

Why it’s a great idea:

This project will; –

  • Embellish and improve the existing park infrastructure
  • Protect the herbaceous borders allowing new planting to establish and thrive
  • Protect the environments that have been created for insects and invertebrates
  • Reduce the amount of litter in the borders

Steps to get it done:

  • Secure funding for the railings
  • Installation of the railings
  • Procurement of plants to replenish lost stock
  • Replanting the border

Please support our campaign by pledging contributions, no matter how small, on our crowdfunding page here!