Spring is here … and with it our Maintenance Mornings start again!

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the park on Saturday 7th March at 10am for the first of our monthly gardening mornings of 2020. These will run every first Saturday of the month between now and late autumn.

Please come along to support the Friends and to have fun digging, composting, weeding, pruning and generally helping to tidy up the borders and make them even more splendid. Absolutely no experience is needed and all ages and abilities are welcome. If you have some garden tools, do bring them along though we have some that we can share. Sturdy boots and gloves are a good idea, and a thermos of tea or coffee and a packet of biscuits never goes amiss! It’s as much about getting to meet some of our lovely, horticulturally-minded neighbours as it is about gardening – though many hands make light work!