Update on the Spacehive Railings project

Thanks to for the generous support of our Spacehive benefactors, Wendell Park Gardening Friends managed to source 100m of secondhand cast iron railings which we found through a scrap metal dealer in Staffordshire.

The supplier generously agreed to re-weld the panels to meet our specifications and also included two gates, one for each end, to allow parks maintenance and the Gardening Friends access to the borders.

The railings were installed over the course of three very snowy days in February by council contractors, and within the space of a week, its impact was noticeable, with new shoots and bulbs appearing which would otherwise have been trampled by children or dogs.

We have kept a large zone of shrubbery at the western end of the border unfenced as it is always a popular area for children to playing hide and seek and to building dens.

At the beginning of March, we put in nearly £500 of new shrubs and plants to replace those that had been lost last year. It has been really gratifying to have received so much positive feedback from passers-by who can already see how much happier the plants are looking.

You can see the Spacehive Project Delivery Report here

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