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The SMS field must contain between 6 and 19 digits and include the country code without using +/0 (e.g. 1xxxxxxxxxx for the United States)

Individual lifetime membership costs £5, but feel free to donate more generously if you wish to. We would be grateful of the additional support.

Privacy Policy

To comply with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this statement is to confirm that we only use the personal data that you give us (i.e. name, address, email and telephone number) to communicate with you in the course of pursuing the objectives of the Wendell Park Gardening Friends (“WPGF”), as set out in our Constitution.

WPGF will never make your contact details available to any third party without your express permission to do so. If you should wish to remove your details from our mailing list at any time, we would be sad to see you go. But you can opt out by sending an email to with the subject line REMOVE MY DETAILS.

Hard copy membership form

If you prefer, you can download a membership form here, complete it and drop it round or mail it to WPGF Membership, 36 Wendell Road, London W12 9RS