Spring is here … and with it our Maintenance Mornings start again!

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the park on Saturday 7th March at 10am for the first of our monthly gardening mornings of 2020. These will run every first Saturday of the month between now and late autumn.

Please come along to support the Friends and to have fun digging, composting, weeding, pruning and generally helping to tidy up the borders and make them even more splendid. Absolutely no experience is needed and all ages and abilities are welcome. If you have some garden tools, do bring them along though we have some that we can share. Sturdy boots and gloves are a good idea, and a thermos of tea or coffee and a packet of biscuits never goes amiss! It’s as much about getting to meet some of our lovely, horticulturally-minded neighbours as it is about gardening – though many hands make light work!

Winter Fairs

Last christmas, Wendell Park Gardening Friends once again be set out its stalls at the Askew Road Library Craft Fair and the Kite Studios Winter Fairwhere we raised a very respectable £425 from the sale of plants, craft gifts and cards. This money was promptly reinvested in new planting for the spring and we look forward to seeing the new plants flourish!

Wendell Park Gardening Friends stall at Kite Studios Winter Fair 2018
Frances and Caroline, Askew Road Library

2019 Annual General Meeting

We will be holding our 2019 Annual General Meeting on at 6.30pm Monday 14th October upstairs in the Duchess Pub, 320 Goldhawk Road, W6 0XF  (watch this space as the venue may change!)

We will give a brief report on the year’s activities and the financial position of WPGF and try to address any queries, concerns, comments or suggestions you might have.  We look forward to seeing you there.

 If you are unable to attend but have any issues you would like us to raise, please contact us by email at admin@wendellparkgardeningfriends.co.uk

Many thanks to our Corporate Volunteers

We were delighted to welcome two groups of Corporate Volunteers who, under the watchful eyes of idverde’s Green Space Development Team set to work on repainting the park railings by the Hartswood Road entrance.  They also helped remove some of the stubborn ivy that was clinging to the railings at the back of the St Saviour’s Vicarage.

We look forward to getting involved with further teams of helpers in due course as the railings restoration project is one that will need to be delivered over the course of many months, if not years!


Green Flag Award

We are delighted to announce that Wendell Park has been awarded Green Flag status, a tremendous achievement that richly rewards all the hard work put in by idverde and by WPGF over the course of the last two years. You can read about it on LBHF’s website here

Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag scheme – now in its 23rd year – uses strict criteria to identify parks with the highest standards of cleanliness, horticulture and facilities.

It recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the UK and around the world.

Expert judges visit all the applicant sites and assess them against eight strict criteria, including horticultural standards, cleanliness, sustainability and community involvement.

A flagpole with our Green Flag will be put up this autumn.

Wendell Park Gardening Friends awarded Civic Honour for “Improving our Environment”

The Hammersmith and Fulham Civic Honours Awards at Hammersmith Town Hall, June 12, 2019
Improving our environment winners Wendell Park Gardening Friends (L-R: Frances Stephens, Caroline MacMillan, Sarah Heaton and Simon Grange) with Cllr Max Schmid (L) and Cathy Maund of Hammersmith Community Gardens Association (R)

We’re delighted to share the news that Wendell Park Gardening Friends won the ‘Improving our Environment’ category in LBHF’s Civic Honours. The winners were announced in a ceremony at Hammersmith Town Hall on 12th June.

This is an award for everyone who’s helped us make the park even greener – the volunteer gardeners; those who’ve donated money so helping us to raise £10,000; local businesses who’ve given us equipment; the 28th Hammersmith Scouts Group who planted bulbs; the pupils of Wendell Park School and support from the local council, to name but a few.
This is a community project – our aim is to make the park a better place for everyone to enjoy.  And just as gratifying as the award are the comments and compliments we get from passers-by.  It’s worth the hard work digging, planting and watering to know that our efforts will be enjoyed for years to come.

So thanks to everyone – see you in the park!

May Madness on Starch Green

Congratulations to Frances and Caroline for setting up a lovely stall on Starch Green at the May Madness festival.  They managed to sign up quite a few new members to WPGF as well as raising nearly £70 from the sale of plants, seeds and homemade cakes and jam to help buy more plants, compost and tools for the park!