Early summer splendour

Wendell Park Gardening Friends
Congratulations to Frances and Caroline for setting up a lovely stall on Starch Green at the May Madness festival. They managed to sign up quite a few new members to WPGF as well as raising nearly £70 from the sale of plants, seeds and homemade cakes and jam to help buy more plants, compost and tools for the park!
We received another large delivery of shrubs and plants on the 10thMay, fortunately after a day of heavy rain which made it much easier for the volunteers to dig them into the south border. This has made a great difference to the appearance of the western end of this bed and several gaps have now been successfully filled in.
On the north side of the park, pupils from Wendell Park School have planted seeds at the eastern part of the narrow border which runs between the dog exercise area and Cobbold Road and these are doing well, particularly the sunflowers. The Gardening Friends have also planted a small herb garden at the western end of this border which transformed this formerly overgrown area into a very interesting corner.
The ideal growing conditions of the last few weeks has also benefitted the weeds which have sprung to life and are aggressively colonising the borders. We are doing our best to keep them under control and are hoping that as many volunteers as possible will come to help with weeding, feeding and watering on Saturday 1st June from 10am and on every 1st Saturday of the month over the summer and autumn.
Great excitement in the park today when a swarm of honeybees paid us a visit. Fortunately our local Bee Keepers Association representative was on hand within twenty minutes to find them a new home!